
Star Wasp Swarm

A low drone fills the air around a cloud of thousands of faintly glowing insects


Ilmuktan Charger

These animals are specially bred in Ilmuk, one of the Federated River Kingdoms to the east of the Kingdom of Enteria. Ilmuktan military tactics depend greatly on the use of charges by massed heavy cavalry—plate armored riders wield lances astride the backs of these massive destriers, which often are armored in the same fashion as their riders.


Cu Sidhe, Unseelie

A great black hound the size of a horse crouches before you, its teeth flashing blue-white and its breath rimed with ice. Pale green light flickers in its eyes.


Ancestral Ghost

In Tolrea, where one goes after death is at least partly a function of where your culture believes you will go. In cultures that revere their ancestors, this sometimes means that death leads to an afterlife in the Spirit World, watching over one’s descendants. For as long as they are remembered and their progeny walk the earth, […]