
Proper Name: Al-Amim

Ruler: The Mah’avra (currently Imād ad-Dīn Khatun [LE Male Half-Elf])

Government: A sort of theocracy known as the M’ohan Di, which adjudicates actions as good or bad with regards to Holy Scripture, though members are often not strictly priests themselves.

Capital City: Malang

Resources: Artwork, sculpture, semi-precious stones

Population: 305,900

Law: LN

Allies: Hlor

Enemies: Taj-Alid

The nation of Al-Amim is a strict society where law is dictated by ancient Holy Scripture.  Citizens value the family structure, which is patriarchic.  Within a household, the rank moves down from grandfather to father to mother (with regard to her own children only) to male children.  The family head is allowed to set whatever rules and punishments he wishes within his own house, so long as they do not contradict Holy Scripture.  This includes death, and a father is allowed to beat or kill his wife or child for any infraction of holy law.  Outside of the household, the M’ohan Di set the tolerances of justice by their interpretation of scripture.  The M’ohan Di are kept in check by the Mah’avra, a volunteer from the M’ohan Di whose sole responsibility is balancing the laws of scripture with the realities of secular matters.  Since this necessity is itself a violation of the laws of scripture, the position of Mah’avra is one of great sacrifice, since it’s believed that upon his death, the Mah’avra will be punished as an infidel.

Al-Amim has maintained a long-standing feud with the nation of Taj-Alid, whom the people of Al-Amim see as corrupt infidels that flaunt their disregard for Holy Scripture.  Border skirmishes between the two nations are a constant issue and every few years, one nation or the other declares outright war.  These wars usually don’t last more than a season or two, but often result in very bloody battles and a great loss of life.  Afterwards, a cessation of hostilities is declared… at least, until the next time.