
Proper Name: Midon

Ruler: The Speakers (a group of 20 elected officials that each represents the desires of their particular caste)

Government: A republic in which five speakers are elected by each of the four castes (noble caste, soldier caste, merchant caste and worker caste).

Capital City: Shina-teh

Resources: Fish

Population: 1,468,500

Law: LN

Allies: The Empire

Enemies: Blackmoor, Rega

Midon is a large nation on the eastern border of the Empire.  With more waterfront property than any other Imperial nation except for the island of Land, Midon boasts a sizable navy, which does much to enforce the Empire’s policies on the sea.  Due both to her large fleet and her proximity to the islands claimed by the Regan pirates, Midon shoulders the brunt of the Empire’s cause against the so-called nation of Rega. At only half the size of the nation of Vastings, Midon produces roughly the same amount of exported food in the form of seafood.  The largest percentage of the general population live on or near the ocean or the Inland Sea, and most workers and merchants make a good living as harvesters of fish, crabs, eels, crawfish and other delicacies of the water.  The largest portion of Midoniese ground troops are stationed along her northern border, keeping vigil against the undead that occasionally wander out of the Blackmoor marsh.